Crafty Saturday!

Do your kids love bugs???? Here's a fun and easy project to make with your kids this week!

Step: 1
Paint the six 2-inch balls and two 1-inch balls with green. Paint one 1-inch ball with black. Let dry.


Step: 2
To assemble the body, push five 2-inch balls together firmly to create indentations in the foam. Add the head by positioning it at the end of the body and pressing firmly onto the top portion of the body so the head is looking up slightly. To link the body parts together; cut five 1½-inch pieces of chenille stem and insert an end into each indentation in the balls where they meet. For added support, add glue to the ends of the chenille stems before inserting.

Step: 3
To make the eyes, cut one 1-inch black ball in half and squeeze with fingers to form two small rounded eyes. Cut two 2-inch pieces of chenille stem and fold each in half for the center of the eye. Position the eyes on the head and push the cut ends of the folded chenille stems through the eyes and into the head to hold them in place.

Step: 4
To make the legs, cut fourteen 3-inch pieces of chenille stem. Make a loop at one end of each piece for feet. Insert the other end into the body as shown. Add glue to the end before inserting, to secure.

Step: 5
To make the antenna, cut a 6-inch piece of chenille stem and fold in half. Push a 1-inch green ball onto each end. Glue antenna into the top of the head.

Step: 6
To make the mandibles, cut two 1-inch pieces of chenille stem, bend them slightly and push into the front of the face about ½-inch apart.


  1. Wowwwwwwwwww, I love, love and love your blog. What an intelligent person you are?. I like the layout and the way you manage everything. Sounds like I should learn from you. And how great job are you doing. I am gonna have my girl to do this project. wonderful job.
    Bushra Syed from Voiceboks:
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